The concept of employment in itself is often related to the notion of salary. For instance, any sort of remunerations may have different forms such as :
Salary, if the employer is a moral or physical person other than the employee (it is, of course, the most used method of remuneration)
Treatment, if the employer is a public person
Fees are used for the common liberal professions. In that case, it is possible to deduce the costs to get the wage
Fees for the artist who are not monthly paid
Copyright fees for the writers
Levies on enterprises’ results for other independent professions such as : merchants, artisans, recent liberal professions, farmers etc… who will then establish some sort of invoices.
On the macroeconomic level, the employment represents all the work that was provided in a national economy by the whole active population that actually has a job. Employment may be in the public area or the private one; it can also be subsidized by the public funds.
The situation and running of the national work market can also be evaluated through the rate of employment and the rate of unemployment.
The employment is also a group of tasks and competences that contribute to the enterprise’s activity. An employment can be divided into different working posts that can either be subscribed or not in the enterprise’s organization chart, occupied or not by employees who have the necessary abilities that may help to achieve the enterprise’s activity.
When it comes to computability, whether it concerns national computability or computability of enterprise, the employment shows how to affect different resources to a certain use.